10 Reasons God Wants Us to Labor
1. We labor so we can eat. (Psalms 128:2 You shall eat the labor of your hands.)
It is not right to eat and let others labor for you, unless you really cant work. Most
people can do something.(If you dont work, you dont eat.)
2. Labor brings profit. (Proverbs 14:23 In all labor, there is profit. Labor profits in
money, exercise, helping others , feeling useful, cleaning up, etc. etc. All labor is
profitable. God didnt make this verse up. Think of your labor and its profit. You will
feel better about yourself.
3. You may reap where you didnt labor. Then you will join in on the labor. (Reap
that whereon you bestowed no labor, but you will enter into the labour. John 4:38)
It could be a mission trip, where the missionary harvests the souls that the people
bring in to hear the message of salvation, it could be physically like custom cutters,
who harvest the wheat on the wheat fields of Montana, or a traveling evangelist,
who bring in the souls to harvest from the hard labor of the
4. Your labor is not in vain in the Lord. (Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye
steadfast unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye
know that your labour Is not in vain in the Lord. 1 Cor. 15:58) To labor for God is
never in vain whether its giving a drink of water to someone who is thirsty, teaching
a Sunday School class, or being a television evangelist. Remember that and dont
forget it! Be unmovable in working for the Lord. Dont let anyone make you feel
bad or insignificant in working for God.
5. Your labor of love will be not be forgotten. (1 Thess. 1:3 Remembering without
ceasing your work of faith and labor of love.) People appreciate you work of love
and they will remember your work of love. God will, too!
6. Labor to enter his rest. (Let us labor therefore to enter into that rest.) We are
to labor and then we rest. I am now 63 and realize my work for God is not as strenuous.
I once went to the mission field, taught Christian School, etc. Now I am writing for
God and teaching more to students one-on-one. Someday I will enter His rest to live with God
forever; but for now I must labor.
7. Blessed by God to rest from your labor. (Rev. 14:13 Blessed are the dead who
die in the Lord,
..rest from their labor.) By the way, we are to take a rest on
Sunday or at least one day of the week as God did. There, of course, we will rest
from all our labor in Heaven. I think there is no labor in Heaven, because of this
8. You are really needed, laborers. (Matt.9:37 The harvest truly is plenteous, but
the laborers are few.) God is letting us know that we need laborers, He needs
laborers. If He gets them, there will be a big harvest. Im glad someone labored
and led me to Christ. Churches thrive when the people witness and bring others to
9. We are to pray that God would send laborers into His harvest. (Luke 10:2 Pray
ye therefore, the Lord of the harvest that he would send forth laborers into his
harvest.) We are to be praying for laborers. Sometimes laborers in a church are
just waiting for someone to ask them to join in the labor of the church. On the other
hand, if no one does, that doesnt mean there is not anything a person can do in a
church or labor for God. One can witness for Jesus, bring them to church, give
tracts, pray for others, give to Gods work, etc., etc.
10. We are laborers with God. (1Cor. 3:9 For we are labourers together with God,
ye are Gods husbandry, ye are Gods building.) God wants people to work with
him, as He is building His kingdom. What a wonderful privilege to be be a laborer for
Copyright Carol Meek